Model 8 x 8
- Keeps bales off the ground – no spoilage
- Dropped hay falls in bottom of feeder, prevents waste, no scattering or trampling on hay
- Cattle feed at animal height
- Wood floor can be installed by purchaser
- No feeding over the top, as occurs with hay rings
- Feeder is 8' X 8'
- Cost effective – hay saved from as few as 50 round bales will pay for the feeder
- Recommend 1 feeder for approximately 25 dairy or 35 beef cattle
- Rugged 2" angle iron, 1-1/4" high tensile tube and sheeted bottom panel
- Easy to move with loader
- Painted black – rust and acid resistant
- Basket large enough for 6' X 6' bales
- Weight – approximately 700 lbs.
- 28 feed openings
- Can be hauled in pickup
- Shipped in 6 easily assembled sections
- Entire bale is consumed
U.S. Patent #5158040 by Kuntz Mfg.
For inquiries about the Amazing Hay$aver or other products, please
email us or call us at
What it Costs to Own a Hay$aver
Lets say the feeder will last 3 years for certain. We know they will last many more years.
$1475.00 for 3 years will cost $491.67 per year ($1475.00 divided by 3 equals 491.67.)
$491.67 per year costs for feeder and lets say we will save you 1/3 of the hay you feed over round ring feeders.
1st year cost ($491.67) less hay savings.
1/3 HAY SAVED at $40.00 per ton or $30.00 per 1500lb bales or $10.00 per bale fed x 50 bales fed is $500.00
1st year cost $500.00 less $492.00 = $8.34 plus
2nd year cost $500.00 less $492.00 = $8.34 plus
3rd year cost $500.00 less $492.00 = $8.34 plus
For inquiries about the Amazing Hay$aver or other products, please
email us or call us at
Prices subject to change.